Sri Lanka is an island in South Asia located about 32 Km off the southern cost of India. It has many nicknames Serendib, Island of Dharma, Ceylon, Resplendent Isle, Pearl of the Orient, Heladiva. This colorful collection of nick names will tell anyone the beauty of this island
Sri Lanka is a multi-ethnic and multi-religious nation since the pre-historic times. Sinhalese is the majority is 74% ,Tamils 18% and Muslims are about 5%. Because of this Sri Lankan culture is very diverse it brings the county colorful cultural events through out the year.
The climate is Tropical monsoon. Pattern of rainfall is influenced by the monsoon winds of the Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal. Because of the tropical nature of the climate country is rich with flora and fauna. Sri Lanka possesses a high level of biodiversity, 23% of the flowering plans and 16% of the mammals are endemic species which make the important feature of the biodiversity. Sri Lanka is a lush, green country in which plant growth flourishes, it is said that almost anything placed in the ground will grow within days. The mean temperature ranges from a low of 16°C in Nuwara Eliya in the Central Highlands to a high of 32° C in Trincomalee on the northeast coast
Sri Lanka was an important trading location in the ancient world. Merchants from all over the world came to this Island. Merchants from Middle-East, Thailand, Malaysia, Persia Indonesia. Island was ruled by Sin
hala royal dynasty that lasted over 2000 years. Portuguese colonials came to Sri Lanka In 1505. Dutch arrived Sri Lanka in 17th century. Hill country of the island remained independent even the rest of the country was captured by the colonials. The kingdom of the hill country was fallen in 1815 making the British to rule the entire country.. Sri Lanka won the independence On February 4, 1948
Sri Lanka has remarkable archaeological sites and seven properties of Sri Lanka have been named by UNESCO as World Heritage sites.
* Ancient city of Anuradhapura (1982)
* Ancient city of Sigiriya (1982)
* Ancient city of Polonnaruwa (1982)
* Old town of Galle and its fortifications (1988)
* Sacred city of Kandy (1988)
* Sinharaja rain forest reserve (1988)
* Golden Temple of Dambulla (1991)
This beautiful island has almost everything from sunny beaches to world heritage cities that a tourist will love.

So visit Sri Lanka and have a journey of your lifetime.

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